Fallen 13 Camp Pendleton
Shana Chappell unveiled a new plaque at the Fallen 13 Memorial in Norco last year. Photo via @INLANDNEWS X

A remembrance service is scheduled Saturday in Riverside County to honor the U.S. Armed Forces members including nine Marines and one sailor based at Camp Pendleton killed in a suicide bombing that occurred during the chaotic evacuation of American military personnel and civilians from Afghanistan two years ago.

The ceremony to mark the second anniversary of the attack is scheduled for 8 p.m. at the Memorial for the Fallen 13 in the Norco Country Center, 960 Sixth St.

One of the remembrance service attendees will be Shana Chappell of Norco, who lost her Camp Pendleton-based son, 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, in the Aug. 26, 2021, bombing by an Islamic State terrorist at the Abbey Gate fronting Kabul Airport.

Along with the Marines, a U.S. Navy corpsman and a U.S. Army soldier were killed, while nearly 100 civilians were killed or injured in the blast.

Chappell, who was sharply critical of the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, lost another son, 28-year-old Dakota Halverson, to suicide last August at Pikes Peak Park, near his fallen brother’s memorial.

Chappell said Halverson had been overwhelmed with grief, to the point he was sleeping nights adjacent to Nikoui’s grave.

The remembrance service will feature a candlelight vigil, with some service personnel who were present during the deadly attack on hand, organizers said.

More information is available at www.Fallen13Memorial.com.

City News Service contributed to this article.