San Diego County line
Photo by Chris Jennewein

With monthly readership now exceeding 250,000, Times of San Diego has launched a crowd funding option to support continued growth in its news coverage.

The independent news website currently publishes an average of 20 articles a day and plans to increase that by 50 percent over the coming year, with more coverage of local issues, the arts and state government.

To support this expansion, we’re asking loyal readers to contribute what they can.

The website will always remain free; we believe free access to accurate local news is essential to democracy.

But we hope that many of our readers will sign up to contribute a few dollars a month — the price of a cup of coffee, or even better, a large latte — to support local journalism.

Times of San Diego is partnering with PressPatron, an innovative startup company, to make contributing easy. PressPatron’s crowd funding technology has helped a number of new online publications in Australia and New Zealand, and is now being used in the United States.

Just click the red “Become a Supporter” button on any article to make a contribution with your credit card. You can specify a monthly amount, or a one-time contribution. You can optionally create a password to manage or (hopefully not) end your contribution.

You can also contribute, as a number of readers have, via our PayPal account, if you prefer.

San Diego, the fifth most populous county in America, is brimming with news. Most local media barely scratches the surface. Your contribution to Times of San Diego will help us in our mission to accurately, comprehensively and fairly cover the essential local news.

Chris Jennewein is Editor & Publisher of Times of San Diego.