Brain Balance San Diego

Brain Balance San Diego kicks off the New Year with a handful of virtual parenting workshops on executive functioning and goal setting, among other topics from managing meltdowns to sensory processing struggles.

The Brain Balance program is designed to strengthen and build brain connectivity with a unique combination of physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. These new, efficient, and effective connections in the brain lead to improvements in students’ ability to complete cognitive tasks and in their executive functioning. Cognitive tasks include focus, memory, learning, comprehension and reasoning, while executive functioning manages behaviors and emotions, organization, self-motivation and self-regulation, as well as problem solving.

“The past 10 months have been challenging for everyone, including a second shutdown during the holidays, before a long school break,” said Amanda Lee, Brain Balance San Diego, Center Director. “For kids who struggle with focus, behavior or anxiety, new at-home routines, or lack of schedules during the holidays, can be difficult. Brain Balance can help kids, and parents, evaluate the problems and put a plan in place for the new year that will help both kids and parents.”

When kids struggle with focus, behavior, or sensory processing, it can be linked to weak connections across different regions of the brain. “But the good news is, we know that the brain, and behaviors, can change by applying exercises and activities, outlined through the Brain Balance program, to strengthen and build new connections,” said Lee.

Upcoming talks include:

Virtual Open House: Executive Functioning and New Year Goals
6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12
Join Amanda Lee, Center Director of Brain Balance San Diego, to tour the center and learn ways to improve you and your child’s executive functions to achieve your goals this new year from better focus to time management to accomplishing chores at home. All participants will be given resources they can utilize right away.

The Developing Brain & Classroom Success
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3
In-Person Workshop at the Center for Human and Health Potential in Mission Valley;
6342 Riverdale Street, San Diego 92120
Explore techniques to improve your child’s developing brain to help them reach their potential in and out of the classroom, from better focus to behavior to social skills.
RSVP required

For more information, go to