Sharks Forever Stamps
Officials with the San Diego Zoo and USPS unveil the “Sharks Forever” stamps at the all-new Conrad Prebys Africa Rocks exhibit. Photo: Christina Simmons/San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo hosted a ceremony Tuesday morning to promote a U.S. Postal Service special pictorial stamp dedicated to sharks and to raise awareness about ongoing threats to the species’ survival in the wild.

Initially introduced in July, the USPS Sharks Forever stamps feature five shark species that inhabit American waters, including the mako, thrasher, great white, hammerhead and whale sharks.

Set against a backdrop of leopard sharks housed at the all-new Conrad Prebys Africa Rocks exhibit, ceremony speakers referenced the need to raise awareness about threats the creatures face — including from wildlife traffickers.

“While sharks may be scary to some, the prospect of a world without sharks is truly frightening,” U.S. Postal Service Chief Human Resources Officer and Executive Vice President Jeffrey Williamson said in July when the stamps were initially announced. “As apex predators, sharks keep other marine life in balance, and by doing so, they play a critical role in regulating our largest ecosystem — the oceans.

“We hope the stamps … help highlight the need for shark conservation and a greater respect and admiration for these incredible animals,” Williamson continued.

Artist Sam Weber of Brooklyn, NY, designed the stamps and based his five illustrations on images captured by undersea photographers with guidance from shark experts, according to the USPS. Art director Derry Noyes of Washington, DC, designed the pane.
