National Weather Service map shows frost -warning areas in Southern California.
National Weather Service map shows frost -warning areas in Southern California.

Below freezing temperatures and frost that could kill some uncovered outdoor plants were expected again in the deserts overnight, forecasters said Saturday.

The National Weather Service issued a frost advisory for midnight Saturday to 8 a.m. Sunday. Temperatures in wind-sheltered desert locales were expected to drop into the upper 20s to mid- 30s late tonight into early Sunday

“With a cold dry atmosphere in place, there will be areas of late night through early morning frost in portions of the valleys and deserts this morning and again tonight into Sunday morning,” according to the weather service.

The frost has stuck mostly in the Borrego Springs area so far, but forecasters expected more widespread and prevalent frost Saturday night into early Sunday. Forecasters warned that sensitive outdoor plants may be killed if they were left uncovered.

City News Service