Sunrise Powerlink
The Sunrise Powerlink brings power through the desert to San Diego. Photo courtesy SDG&E

San Diego Gas & Electric notified certain East County residents Sunday that it may have to turn off power because of elevated fire weather conditions.

The National Weather Service on Sunday issued a fire weather watch for Monday for inland San Diego County mountains and foothills.

Weak to moderate Santa Ana winds are expected to arrive Sunday, peak Monday morning and become weak to moderate by the end of the day, the NWS said.

“In preparation, SDG&E has activated its Emergency Operations Center to monitor conditions 24/7 and has organized personnel and pre-staged materials and equipment for response,” the utility said.

On Saturday, SDG&E sent notifications to about 700 customers at risk of public safety power shutoffs by phone, text messages and email.

“Customers who were notified should be prepared to activate their personal emergency plan to keep their family, pets and livestock safe.” the utility said. “SDG&E will continue to provide customers with updates when there is more certainty about forecasted weather conditions.”

— City News Service