Leonard Patton. Courtesy photo

Bodhi Tree Concerts recently announced it will host a free, live event featuring local jazz legends Irving Flores and Leonard Patton.

The event, which will take place at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 11 at the corner of Fairmount Avenue and 44th Street, will support a grocery and hot lunch giveaway called TakeWhatYouNeed, a community giveaway of free pantry items, and vegan meals ready-to eat.

The event will observe social distancing requirements and no seating for the concert will be provided, organizers said.

“Although we are not able to present our full multinational street fair and music festival, Music en la Calle, this year because of restrictions imposed by the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic, we still want to give back to the community however we can, as is our mission and our goal,” says Bodhi Tree Concerts co-founder and -director Diana DuMelle.

Irving Flores. Courtesy photo

Members of the community can pick up free groceries as well as drop off groceries to donate to those in need due to the pandemic-related shutdown. Fair@44, a community-activated lot by The Boulevard and home to The Dojo Cafe, also hosts Fruit Swap Wednesdays, where free fruit from backyard trees are donated to needy families in the neighborhood. All donations are welcome.

For more information please contact Bodhi Tree Concerts at 619-546-7660 or BodhiTreeConcerts@gmail.com.